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Adding a few drops of water to neat whiskey can open up the natural aromas and bring out hidden flavors. Dilute whiskey drop by drop to achieve your optimal flavor level. Silicone cap on the dropper allows for precise control of each drop Opens up natural aromas & flavors of whisky
Adding a few drops of water to neat whiskey can open up the natural aromas and bring out hidden flavors. Dilute whiskey drop by drop to achieve your optimal flavor level. Silicone cap on the dropper allows for precise control of each drop Opens up natural aromas & flavors of whisky.
Material: Glass & Silicone (BPA-free)
Includes: Borosilicate glass water dropper with lead-free crystal water glass
Capacity: 195 milliliters
Width: 7.5 cm Depth: 7.5 cm Height: 11.7 cm
Dimensions packaging: 8.6 x 8.6 x 15 cm
Packaging style: tube